Core Team


Prof. Nandakumar G. B.Sc. (CS&HM) MBA (HR)
Experience : 17 Years
Specialization: Food Production & Human Resources 
Research & Projects 
1. Study on slow food practices in the local as existence
2. Comparative study of processed food over traditionally prepared food with reference to nutrition, taste and preparation.
3. Molecular gastronomy a special approach to Indian cuisine with special reference to Ayurveda super foods
4. Modifying the bakery goods to nutritionally powerful

Associate Professor

Dr. Navaneet Deshpande BHM. MBA,PhD.
Experience : 22 Years
Specialization: Food & Beverage Services & Human Resources 
Research & Projects :
1. Organizational Management
2. Supply chain management for Hotel Operations in Pune – VAMNICOM Centre, SPPU.


Prof. Vinayak Harogopp. B.Sc. (HHA) MBA
Experience: 5 Years
Specialization: Food Production 

Adjunct Faculty: Food & Beverage Service & Accommodations Mgt.

Research & Projects :
1. Turnover of employees in budget hotel with specific to Accommodations department


Prof. Sunanda Rohan. B.H.M. (MBA) 
Experience: 4 Years
Specialization:  Accommodations Management 
Research & Projects :

1.  KLE Prabhakar Kore Hospital Housekeeping Administration
2. Campus Laundry Management


Prof. Satyajit Mutkekar 
Experience: 20 Years
Specialization:  Bakery & Confectionery  


Projects :

1.  Bakery Concepts and its implementation
2. Events @ campus

Event Management

Prof. Ashish Parthasarthy. 
BA  International Hospitality Administration , M.Sc. Tourism
Subject Expert: Sales & Marketing,   Event Management
Experience: 4 Years


Prof. Sachin Vastrad. 
Subject: WINHMS, Computers in Hotels & other Hospitality software
Experience: 4 Years

Soft skills & Personality development

Prof. Smitha Dalvi.
Soft-skills and Personality Development
Experience: 19 Years

Food Science & Nutrition

Prof. Kashamma Uppin. 
M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics 
Subject Expert: Clinical Nutrition 
Experience: 15 Years

Prof. Bhagyashri B. Mudagoudra. M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics 
Subject Expert: Food Science & Nutrition  
Experience: 2 Years

Hospitality Finance

Prof. Rukaya A. Kurankopp
Subject Expert: Hotel Finance
Experience: 6 Years

Research & Projects

Dr. Nagaraj Patil
Assistant Professor
Subject Expert: Hospitality Research & Projects
Experience: 8 Years


Dr. Sushma Patnekar
 MA. French
Assistant Professor,
Experience: 22 Years

Prof. Sujatha Pai
 M.Ed. English
Assistant Professor
Experience: 24 Years

Prof. Prabha G Bhoi
Communicative Kannada
Experience: 15 Years

Environmental studies/Indian Constitution/NSS

Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar
Environment Studies/ NSS coordinator
Experience: 12 Years

Advocate, Jyothi Katti
Indian Constitution & Hotel Law
Experience: 15 Years